Gura lumii sloboda:


Prince Matei 2007 Vinarte (Romania)

Producer: Vinarte
Origin: Dealu Mare-Zoresti, Romania
Type: Red, Dry, 13,5%

Grape:  Merlot

Tasting Notes: Bright ruby-red with young purple hue. Chocolate, smoked plum,  sour cherry, cranberries, parfumed dried petals, peppery on the nose, followed by friendly taste of rum chocolate bar and lot of black currants and well integrated notes of vanilla. 

Other: A real "rezerva", it is released at least after 3 years. Balanced, friendly, thou good aging potential. Aerate 30 minutes in a proper carafe. Aging potential-7-10 years at least. Price: 20 euro. 

Prince Matei 2007 Vinarte (Romania) Prince Matei 2007 Vinarte (Romania) Reviewed by George Mitea on 14:02 Rating: 5

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